Many people are dreaming of slim hips, flat stomach and firm butt. Doing exercises and making diet will not often get rid of the fat on the body regions. The fat especially in local fat deposits like the belly, under the chin, on the hips, the knees, at the ankle, on the upper arms and thigh can be removed with a liposuction surgery.
Liposuction for a physical harmony
Basically, liposuction provides a good way to eliminate unwanted flab and thus the body’s own perception for a positive change. The ideal candidate for the surgery is the candidate with a normal weight or with weight, which is slightly higher than normal, who has excess flab in certain parts of his / her body. For example, the most appropriate time of the operation for new mothers is usually the end of the first year after birth. In men, the operation can also be performed, e.g. for the removal of excess fat around the abdominal area, on the waist or the chest (Gynecomastia).
The procedure of Vaser Liposuction
Liposuction surgeries, which are implemented by plastic surgeons since 1970s, be performed in recent years with a new technology, the “VaserLipo technique“:
Vaserlipo, also called Vaser Hi Def Liposuction, uses ultrasound energy to aspirate fat deposits just below the skin so that the body can be modeled more clearly for body sculpting. VaserLipo is particularly suitable for women who want body contouring on their bodies and for men who want to define their chest and abdominal muscles more. Vaser technology has also a lifting and firming effect for the skin through ultrasound energy. The operation results in a less aggressive procedure which may lead to faster recovery times compared to traditional liposuction. There will be less bruising, swelling and edema on operated regions, the risk of complications, asymmetry, bumps, and lumps is lower, the healing process is faster.
– At the beginning of the operation, the surgeon infiltrates into the treated problem areas a special, pre-warmed saline in combination with e.g. lidocaine, analgesics with a blunt cannula. The injected fluid must act for at least 20 minutes and separates the fat cells from one another and from their other attachments.
– Thereafter Vaser Liposuction with focused ultrasound energy will be used to liquefy and break up the fat globules. The heat from the ultrasound energy also helps with tightening of the skin at the same time.
– In the next step, it is easier with Vaser liposuction than with normal liposuction to suction out the melted fat gently and smoothly. A small blunt cannula is being used for the aspiration of the targeted fat globules. The performed incisions are 4-5 mm so that no visible scars remain after the surgery.
– As a result, the remaining layer of fat will be shaped by the surgeon using fat equalization probes.
After a liposuction surgery
The operation is performed under general anesthesia and the patient is practically 1 night stationary in the hospital. After surgery, the specialist recommends the patient to wear an abdominal corset for 6 weeks constantly. Physical exertion and stressful sports should be avoided for up to 3 months. Bruising or swelling are also to be expected in liposuction which usually disappear few weeks after surgery.
We would be happy if we can give you a first overview. This page is for informational purposes only. Our consultants will be happy to provide you further information. Your satisfaction is our most important concern.
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