Tummy Tuck by experienced Plastic Surgeons

A leaner, tighter stomach has a significant impact on our wellbeing and our self-confidence, not only during bikini season. After extreme weight loss, pregnancy or in old age, it comes with a loss of skin elasticity to an excess of skin and subcutaneous tissue. This occurs mainly in the area of the lower abdomen (fat apron), at the inner sides of the upper arms and thighs.

Tummy tuck surgeries aim correction and the shape of the relaxed abdominal wall, removing the cracks under the buttocks, stretching the abdominal wall muscles. Before a Tummy Tuck your ideal weight should be achieved with dietary and sporting activities.

Tummy tuck step by step

Practically, there are 3 main types of Tummy tuck procedures those enables the surgeon to remove the large excess of abdominal skin and adipose (fat) tissue.

  1. Mini Abdominoplasty (Mini Tummy Tuck) : is often an appropriate option for people who have a small amount of abdominal skin to be removed and do not have a significantly protruding abdominal muscle wall. During the operation, a horizontal cut is made under the waistline, just above the bikini line that will not be seen under most clothing, even under bathing suits. The excess skin will be removed. Finally the incisions will be stitched and bandaged. If there is no expansion of the abdominal wall, but only excess fat in the abdominal region, only a Vaser Liposuction surgery can be sufficient. For more information about Vaser Liposuction, you can visit our webpage “Liposuction Vaser” under the menu “Body”.
  2. Full Tummy Tuck : This method can be called “Classic abdominoplasty” because it is the most common method that being performed to patients. A regular tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is an operation to tighten the abdominal muscles, to remove excess skin from the tummy and also fat tissue with liposuction if necessary. In a full tummy tuck the belly button is being released from the surround skin that allows the tummy skin to be tightened. Also in this procedure a horizontal cut is made under the waistline, just above the bikini line that will not be seen under most clothing, even under bathing suits. Loose and/or overhanging skin will be removed. If necessary the surgeon will also repair any damaged muscles in the abdomen and the belly button will be repositioned into the correct position after the tissue has been re-draped. Finally the incisions will be stitched and bandaged.
    In some patients “extended tummy tuck” is performed. Extended tummy tuck also targets removing the excess skin not only on the stomach, but also on the flank area, love handles, waist. Especially after gastric sleeve surgery, some patients require both an extended horizontal incision and a vertical incision (called a fleur-de-lis) in a tummy tuck, which can be combined with liposuction.
  3. The 360 degree tummy tuck is a procedure in which, in addition to the normal tummy tuck, excess skin is removed from the side and back waist area and also on the back. Stretching the posterior PO area creates a better appearance. At the beginning of the operation, excess fat from the stomach, hips and back is usually removed.

Follow-Up after a Tummy Tuck

The procedure is being done under general anesthesia and depending on the effort and duration of the procedure 1-2 night stationary in the clinic will be sufficient. After surgery, the specialist recommends the patient to wear an abdominal corset for 6 weeks constantly. Light sports activities such as swimming, walking should be done after 6 weeks. Sports that require a lot more effort should be avoided in the first 2-3 months. The scars may be red at the beginning after the operation. But in time the scars would fade and take on a color that is close to natural skin color. Bruising and numbness of the abdominal skin may occur in the first period after surgery. Feeling will return in time.


We would be happy if we can give you a first overview. This page is for informational purposes only. Our consultants will be happy to provide you further information. Your satisfaction is our most important concern.

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