PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) is a treatment of laser eye surgery for the correction of refractive error (Ametropia). The PRK procedure has been applied since 1987. Even with PRK Treatment microscopic amounts of tissue is removed with a laser and the corneal curvature is reshaped, in order to correct certain eye disorders such as farsightedness, nearsightedness. The modeling of the cornea by PRK Operation is the oldest laser procedure for the treatment of vision defects.
PRK procedure is indicated for the correction of nearsightedness (myopia) up to max. -8 Diopters (dpt), farsightedness (hyperopia) up to max. +4 Diopters and astigmatism up to max. 5 Diopters.
Preparation for a PRK Treatment
1. Contact lenses affect the cornea, so the lenses should not be used during the period before treatment. It is advisable to refrain on soft contact lenses about 2 weeks before the operation and on hard lenses even 4 weeks.
2. The refraction should be measured 2 weeks prior to the laser procedure either by an ophthalmologist or an optometrist.
3. You can make your eye refraction test already in your country and send us the result by e-mail before your trip, for the evaluation of the ophthalmologist.
4. The expectations of the result are different from patient to patient. Therefore, the specialist should explain the treatment to the patient in advance to inquire about the patient’s expectations.
5. After a detailed examination of specialist and measurement of the eye the current refractive error should be determined.
6. 1 day prior to surgery, the corneal thickness using a dilating eye drops and a pachymetry should be noted. PRK is used predominantly in patients who have a low corneal thickness (Flap).
7. One day before the treatment, the patient is advised by the doctor and the method of operation to be performed should be determined.
The operation process
1 day after the consultation of specialist and precisely measurement of the eyes, the treatment begins:
1. First, the lids are disinfected. They must be kept open during the entire treatment.
2. Then the eye is numbed using anesthetic eye drops.
3. In PRK Treatment corneal thickness (flap) is not folded, but the corneal epithelium is removed using a simple instrument (the so-called hockey spatula) and not re-used. So the ophthalmologist can uncover the deeper layers of the cornea, which can be processed with the laser.
4. Then, the laser changes the shape of the cornea without touching the adjacent tissue. The PRK Eye Surgery takes place, as with all methods described here, on the corneal surface instead.
5. Finally, a protective lens is used, which is removed again as soon as the own layer of the cornea has recreated again. Temporary pain can be expected as a result of this fact.
6. During the treatment, your doctor will tell you the process step by step and in detail.
The post-treatment of a PRK Treatment
PRK Treatment takes just a few minutes and the final visual acuity is achieved within a few weeks. One day after treatment, and sometimes even two days later (at the third day of your travel), the first follow-up examinations are performed by ophthalmologist and the patient will start to use the prescribed eye drops and medications by his/her doctor. After no more than a week, the patient is usually painless, because after the PRK procedure the corneal epithelium has to grow back. Then the patient can return to his/her daily and professional life.
After the treatment, the eye should be handled careful, because it reacts sensitive to light and sparkle. Therefore, the patient should wear a pair of glasses in the first period against extreme UV radiation and he should avoid the following:
– Rubbing the eye in the first days after the operation under any circumstances,
– Activities such as spending long hours watching TV, computer or reading, which strains your eyes,
– Eye makeup,
– No water or soap should run in the eye, e.g. while showering or shampooing,
– Driving at night should be avoided for a period,
– Dusty and very dirty work environments should be avoided in the first few days.
Light sports activities can be started normally after about 2 weeks. However, the sports with higher loads (e.g. swimming, diving) are permitted no earlier than 8 weeks after the operation.
Possible risks of PRK treatment
Under correction and over correction can occur after any laser procedure. So a reduction in visual acuity may occur, which can be corrected with optimal spectacle. In the optimal case, the remaining refraction is less than ± 0.5 diopters, and the patient can attain an acceptable visual acuity usually without visual aids (glasses, contact lenses). Dry eyes can occur after the surgery. This discomfort can be treated well by special eye drops. Inflammation during the healing process usually disappears after a certain period of time. Also in the PRK method the complication rates have a very small percentage, so you can go out in the rule that everything runs smoothly.
We would be happy if we can give you a first overview. This page is for informational purposes only. Our consultants will be happy to provide you further information. Your satisfaction is our most important concern.
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