Endolift Facelift

ENDOLIFT® is a Facelift procedure that is both FDA-certified and approved for Laser Liposuction and Lipolysis. This new method is ideal for reducing sagging skin and fat accumulation, especially on the cheeks, mid and lower facial areas, on the chin and neck. This treatment stands out as a strong alternative to the mini facelift surgery.

At the beginning of the procedure, special micro-optical disposable fibers are inserted into the superficial level of the skin tissue. The laser energy is transmitted inside the skin with a natural way through this optical fibre. The fibers are moved in slow and delicate movements through channels in the desired lifting direction, achieving the optimal result. This fibre carries the laser energy to the deeper skin tissues and fatty tissue, which also melts the fat. At the second step; the melted fat is removed with laser liposuction which is much finer than other liposuction methods. With the laser liposuction method; the excess fat, which especially occurs on the chin, neck, jawline and lower cheek area, can be melted and specifically be removed from the targeted area. The laser-induced selective heat warms the fat that comes out of the microscopic holes of the treatment area with a very fine liposuction cannula. At the same time, it also causes immediate skin shrinkage and the treated areas become more clearly defined. Finally, laser energy is delivered under the skin, which has a tightening lifting effect on the skin. This surgery is less aggressive than other facial surgeries. The Endolift procedure is an outpatient procedure that is carried out under local anesthesia. The treatment is painless and lasts approximately in 1-2 hour for the face and neck, provides instant result.

The ENDOLIFT works on the regeneration of the deep and superficial skin layers, as well as skin tightening and stimulates collagen production. Thanks to the stimulation of collagen production, long-term tightening of the tissue in the treated area is targeted. The areas continue to be redefined and their texture improves for months after the treatment as additional collagen builds up in the deep layers of the skin over time. The treatment has a long-lasting effect.

Endolift Facelift compared with mini facelift surgery

–       During the Endolift facelift, laser energy is delivered under the skin. This laser energy achieves the desired lifting in a targeted and natural way, leads to faster healing and is less aggressive than mini facelift.

– The fat on the neck, chin and lower cheek area can also be absorbed during the Endolift facelift with laser energy, which is not possible with a mini facelift.

–       The Endolift facelift is performed without an incision and leaves no marks. During a mini facelift, an incision is made from frontal area of the ears to the back of the ears.

–       The Endolift facelift is carried out comfortably under local anesthesia. A mini facelift is performed under general anesthesia.

–       Mini facelift have more risks than Endolift facelift.

–       After the Endolift facelift, the patient can return to his daily life in a short time. After the mini facelift, the patient should rest for at least 1-2 weeks.

–       The Endolift facelift is cheaper than a mini facelift.

Endolift® – Immediately after treatment

Take the time necessary to recover from surgery. You need to plan just a few days for recovery after treatment. Office work can be resumed after 1-2 days. Light physical activities such as swimming, running and abdominal training can be done after a few days. The patient should avoid sauna and solarium in the first 1-2 weeks after the surgery.

We would be happy if we can give you a first overview. This page is for informational purposes only. Our consultants will be happy to provide you further information. Your satisfaction is our most important concern.

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